
DDK Group Quality Saddles

Since the founding of DDK Group in 1970, our original philosophies of Trust, Quality, Excellence, and Innovation have continued to serve as the company’s core values.

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Image : There are 6 images on this website and 2 images have alt attributes
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Size : 24,989 characters
Meta Description : Yes
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ddk,bicycle seats,saddle seat,DDK GROUP,mens mountain bike

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# exclude help system from robots
User-agent: *
Disallow: /manual/
Disallow: /manual-2.0/
Disallow: /manual-1.3/
Disallow: /addon-modules/
Disallow: /doc/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /manage/
# the next line is a spam bot trap, for grepping the logs. you should _really_ change this to something else...
# Disallow: /
# same idea here...
Disallow: /admin/
# but allow htdig to index our doc-tree
#User-agent: htdig
# disallow stress test
user-agent: stress-agent
Disallow: /

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