
Butter Kernel: Trusted Quality. Locally Grown.

Experts in canning since 1895, and committed to providing premium quality vegetables.

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# robots.txt
#     : Robots, spiders, and search engines use this file to detmine which 
#       content they should *not* crawl while indexing your website.
#     : This system is called "The Robots Exclusion Standard."
#     : It is strongly encouraged to use a robots.txt validator to check
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#     : User-agent: *
#     : Disallow:   /admin/
# Restrict Google and MSN from indexing your images.
#     : User-agent: Googlebot
#     : Disallow:   /images/
#     : User-agent: MSNBot
#     : Disallow:   /images/

User-agent: *

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