
DCAT - Development Center for Appropriate Technology


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About dcat.net






development center for appropriate technology, DCAT, appropriate technology, building sustainability into the codes,building codes for a small planet, alternative building,alternative materials, alternative construction, institutional barriers to green building, institutional barriers to sustainable building, institutional barriers to sustainable construction, institutional barriers to sustainable development, greening the codes committee, natural building, greening the codes green, building, green design, building standards, building standards magazine, alternative material codes,alternative material standards, alternative material testing, energy efficiency, institutional barriers to alternative construction, institutional barriers to straw bale construction, natural building materials, sustainable materials, straw bale, strawbale, straw-bale, straw bale building codes, strawbale building codes, straw-bale building codes, sustainable building, sustainable design, sustainable, material standards, sustainable material, testing sustainable building codes, sustainable construction, sustainable construction and development, building code, official building codes, building official, building regulations code, official adobe compressed earth blocks, rammed earth, cob, bamboo, earthen materials, sustainability, sustainable, Support DCAT, David Eisenberg, Eisenberg, Tony Novelli, Loretta Ishida, Holly Altman, Bob Fowler,Dana Meadows, Donella Meadows, ASTM, codes, collaborative process, collaborative relationships, corporate partnership, Earth Charter, energy, ICC, international code council, standards, u.s. green building council, usgbc, win/win

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