
UNESCO World Heritage Centre

UNESCO World Heritage Centre

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Image : There are 34 images on this website and 34 images have alt attributes
Frame : There are 0 embed on this website.
Flash : There are 0 flash on this website.
Size : 89,724 characters
Meta Description : Yes
Meta Keyword : Yes

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UNESCO, World Heritage,Heritage,Patrimoine,Patrimoine mondial,Convention,1972

Google Analytic UA-6025718-3
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Disallow: /web/whc/archive/out/ # Directory contains early versions of documents already available.
Disallow: /web/whc/conf201/ # Merida meeting materials only (temporary)
Disallow: /web/whc/fr/archive/out� # French versions of early materials already available
Disallow: /web/whc/nwhc/ # frames and non-substantive frame content
Disallow: /web/whc/nwhc.fr/ # frames and non-substantive frame content, French pages

Disallow: /sites/ # added 2010-09-22frames and non-substantive frame content, French pages

# 15 June 1997
# updated 3 September 1998, 21 March 1999, 10 November 1999
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Disallow: /temp/ # temp folders

# added 2010-09-22
User-agent: *
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Request-rate: 1/3         # maximum rate is one page every 5 seconds
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User-agent: msnbot
Crawl-delay: 5
Request-rate: 1/3     		

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