
Recent Status

RecentStatus is a social media website where users can share post, photos/videos, create poll and forums, do a lot of funs and more

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Tag :
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
1 0 1 15 2
Image : There are 17 images on this website and 1 images have alt attributes
Frame : There are 0 embed on this website.
Flash : There are 0 flash on this website.
Size : 123,268 characters
Meta Description : Yes
Meta Keyword : Yes

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About www.recentstatus.com






social, social site

Charset UTF-8
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Programming Language PHP/7.4.33
Web server LiteSpeed
Javascript library jquery
IP Address
User-agent: *
Disallow: /assets
Disallow: /cache
Disallow: /sources
Disallow: /api
Disallow: /script_backups
Disallow: /updates
Disallow: /install
Disallow: /admincp
Disallow: /admin-panel
Disallow: /ajax_loading.php
Disallow: /api.php
Disallow: /xml
Disallow: /system_status.php
Disallow: /nodejs		

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