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About www.systemsoft.no






SystemSoft, systemsoft, System, software, programming, c++, cpp, c plus plus, javascript, typescript, c, rust, low level, web, version control, git, github, gitlab, gitlab ci, ci, continuous integration, docker, docker-compose, docker, agile development, agile, scrum, kanban, test-driven development, tdd, test, debugging, object-oriented programming, oop, object oriented, programming, data structures, algorithms, algorithm, data structure, data, structure, architecture, software architecture, software, software development, development, software engineer, software engineering, engineer, engineering, software developer, developer, software development, development, software development, oslo, norway, norwegian, norwegian software, norwegian software development, design patterns, design, patterns, design pattern, design pattern, linux, consulting, consulting company, consulting firm, assembly, assembly language, assembly programming, assembly language programming, machine code, compiler, linker, executable, binary, binary file, binary, operating system, os, operating system, operating system, kernel, system call, syscall, hardware, hardware abstraction, abstraction, memory, memory management, memory management unit, mmu, virtual memory, process management, process, interrupts, interrupt, interrupt handler, input/output, io, input output, input/output, device driver, driver, dma, direct memory access, dma controller

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